Peru 8b: Parque Huascaran – Ulta Sector

Sub Sector Ulta

Next day we entered the second section of the National Park.

We entered the Parque Nacional Huascaran at the turnoff at Carhuaz into the sub sector Ulta.

We then took the winding pass into Peru’s highest mountain region, from where we could see both the Huascaran Sur 6768m as well as Huascaran Norte 6652m and other peaks like Ulta 5484m etc.

The road is tarred and well accessible and reaches a tunnel at the top through which the park could be exited/entered from the other side of the mountain range.

The views from the top were stunning.

The day ended by us camping just before Caraz on the farm of Jaime and his excellent camping site called Guadelupe Jaime Veliz.

It is on their farm, it had good Wifi and excellent baños which were in the process of being extended to cater for larger groups. Jaime was so kind to even have our kettle brazed in town the next day while we re-entered the park.

Author: Dieter

A passionate traveller and photographer with an urge to share the beauty of our planet.

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