Brasil 2: Foz de Iguaçu seen from the Brasil side

Foz de Iguçu Brasil-9

Die brasilianische Seite der Iguaçu Fälle ist spektakulär und hat auch uns begeistert. Touristisch gut organisiert, bei unserem Besuch nicht überfüllt gewesen, sollte bei einem Besuch Südamerikas sicher nicht ausgelassen werden.

Seeing the Iguaçu falls from the Brazilian side is indeed special. Entering the parc, the bus service into the area is very well organised and convenient. Following our helicopter ride as part of Uwe’s birthday, gave us an overview from above and we were lucky to be the last trip of the day before the rains set in.

In town do not miss the Confiteria Jauense – best Capucchino and icecream you will find in a long time – you find the café in the Ave Juscolino Kubitscheck.

Staying at the camping site “Camping Internaçional” was pleasant and we met a number of other overlanders. Serita looked after us -the daughter of Mathilde who started the site and it used to be known under the name Camping International German. , tel +55-4535298183, email:

This part covers 26-28th May 2016.

Author: Dieter

A passionate traveller and photographer with an urge to share the beauty of our planet.

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