Dieter und Karin, Uwe und Almut – so starteten wir nach Südamerika.
Wir Vier sind schon des öfteren miteinander auf Safari in Afrika gefahren – wir kennen uns und nehmen die Macken der anderen mit Gelassenheit. Wichtig ist, dass wir uns aufeinander verlassen können-gerade dann, wenn es mal brenzlig wird.
Traveling together for extended periods requires tolerance and adapting to each other. Above all: be able to travel without the luxuries of life – only then does it become possible to visit real remote areas.
After the initial 2 months travelling from Montevideo to Cusco in Peru, Uwe and Almut unfortunately ran out of time and had to return. Karin and myself continued and met many other overlanders.
We travelled with Bernd & Marion Frauendorfer all the way up to Catagena in Colombia and had a wonderful time. From here Bernd and Marion shipped their vehicle back to Hamburg to get ready for their North America journey.
In the interim we continued on our own and practised the art of “drifting” – the ultimate in super relaxed travelling without a daily programme or pre-determined destination.