Was wäre ein Besuch in Südamerika ohne den Urwald zu sehen? So beschlossen Uwe,Almut, Karin und ich , einen Abstecher per Flugzeug in den Bolivianischen Jungel zu machen. Per Flug, da die Strasse dorthin eine zweitägige Reise auf schlechten Pisten gewesen wäre. Buchung machten wir über ein Reisebüro in La Paz. Der Flug dauerte 45 Minuten und ging bis Rurrenabaque, wo wir von Alex empfangen wurden -Representant der Gemeinschaft, welche die Madidi Jungle Lodge besitzt.
Following the arrival by air in Rurrenabaque, we arrived at the Madidi Jungle Lodge after a 3 hour boat ride into the Madidi National Park. Ronny, our guide from the community, accompanied us. We stayed for 3 nights/4 days and were lucky to see a variety of animals, birds and learned a lot about the flora during daily walks. It included red howler monkeys, wild pigs, capibaras, red brocket deer, yellow squirrel as well as tamarind monkeys, fished for golden Piranha, observed caymans. Birds included the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) which looks from a bygone era.
During evening walks a number of interesting insects were sighted.
The food prepared by Doña Erica was delicious and mainly consisted of local fare ( eg. catfish prepared in Jaivanaleaves and spiced with bark from the ajo tree (garlic tree).