Uruguay 5: San Gregorio de Polanco – an artists canvas

San Gregorio de Polanco is known for its mural paintings – a drab town found a good way of looking bright.

San Gregorio de Polanco in Uruguay-19

Unser nächster Abstecher führt uns in ein Städtchen mit besonderem Charakter – viel Wandmalerei an alten Hauswänden. Es gibt diesem Dorf eine besondere Note und lädt ein, dort zu verweilen – zumal es eine gute Campingstelle direkt am Rio Negro gibt. 

Once a year artists come to town to decorate more of it – it remains to see what effect this will have over the years. Different art styles keep it interesting and you never know what awaits you next. We enjoyed the ocean/river pollution mural which we have chosen as the lead picture.

Covers 20-21May 2016

Author: Dieter

A passionate traveller and photographer with an urge to share the beauty of our planet.

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