Customs, Carnets, Clearing

Das WIE und mit WEM / How and with whom

Da wir niemanden kennen, der sein Wagen von Südafrika nach Südamerika verschifft hat, blieben bei uns viele Fragen offen: Export und re-import, Carnet gebrauchen oder nicht, welchen Spediteur und welchen Agenten in Uruguay?

It took us a few months to establish what the easiest route would be: forget all talk about export/import, ITAC, SARS etc. Get a Carnet from the AAofSA(Automobil Association of SA), pay your deposit and carnet fees (which depend on vehicle value) and find a suitable agent. In our quest we only came across two logistics companies that we felt comfortable with: CTC Worldwide Logistics and JH Logistics.

Author: Dieter

A passionate traveller and photographer with an urge to share the beauty of our planet.

2 thoughts on “Customs, Carnets, Clearing”

  1. Hi Dieter

    I stumbled on your website by accident (must say the layout is well done)!

    I am from Pretoria. A friend and I are both planning to ship our vehicles in a 40 ft container to Montevideo later this year. We then plan to go south down to Ushuaia and then work our way north along the Andes.

    We have read through the information on your website with great interest, but any additional advice on the most cost effective and easiest way of getting our vehicles to South America would be appreciated.
    Did you consider the RoRo option?
    What was the total cost of shipping your vehicle? A breakdown of expenses will be much appreciated.

    Kind Regards

    1. Hi Vivian,
      how is your trip progressing?
      We are returning end of August to do Patagonia.
      Please stay in touch.

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